Platinum Hire with Hog Roast Port Erin for a Family Reunion!

Les and Barbara have a rather large family, many of whom are spread far and wide, with cousins in Canada, a brother in Australia, their son working in America and their daughter studying in Spain! After all being apart for too long, everyone decided the time had come to return to Blighty for a long overdue reunion with Les and Barbara and all of the grandparents, nephews, nieces, cousins and siblings they had left behind! It took months of planning to arrange for everyone to be in the same place at the same time for the first time in over a decade, but eventually they managed it! A family reunion of this magnitude obviously required a special party to welcome everyone back into the fold, which is why Les got in touch with us about hiring a hog roast machine!

Les wanted to provide something special food-wise and treat his relatives to some great homegrown grub to remind them all platinum excel spitted pig sauces legs and bbq smallwhat they had been missing! With the travel and scheduling arrangements having been a logistical nightmare, Les didn’t want any more major headaches when it came to preparing the food. Knowing he had a lot of people to feed, he was looking for a cooking option that was straightforward, whilst still wowing his big family! We assured Les that he had definitely come to the right place. After hearing his story, we immediately suggested he hire one of our Platinum hog roasting machines, as it is incredibly easy to use and has the versatility Les needed, allowing him to cook everything in one go-he could use the top layer as a traditional barbeque to do his spuds and veggie skewers, whilst the meat was happily slow-roasting away underneath!

When Les got back in touch with us after his long-awaited family gathering, he told us how thrilled he was with the Platinum’s performance! He said it had given his food the wow factor, without him having to slave over a hot stove all night, which meant he could provide the family feast he had been dreaming off, whilst still being free to have a much-need catch up with all of his relatives from oversea! Les said he will definitely be hiring the Platinum again for their next family get together and since everyone loved the food so much, he thinks it might give them more of an incentive to not leave it so long next time!