Contact Us

FullSizeRenderPlease do fill our enquiry form or give us a call whatever your enquiry we are here to help. Hog Roast Port Erin isn’t just focused on providing great food; we believe the service we provide – whether it’s responding to your initial interest by phone or email, or serving the food on the evening – should be exemplary, and we make sure that everything we do is nothing short of excellent. We always build great relationships with our customers because they’re comfortable calling us, they know our staff are informed and helpful, and that they can ask us for help with their hog roast Port Erin event. The relationship between a customer and company can often be daunting for the customer, lots of customers don’t feel comfortable calling time and time again over the little details, but we’re always happy to take your calls or emails.

Contacting Hog Roast Port Erin for any of your hog roasting needs won’t take much effort on your behalf, we’ve optimised the entire process so that it really is as easy as a-b-c.

For any of your Hog Roast Port Erin queries we have a dedicated phone and email that you can use to contact us on, week days between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm. That doesn’t mean you can’t phone or email outside of these hours – just that they’ll be nobody around to respond right away! You’re more than welcome to leave a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can, or at a time that’s appropriate. So if you are leaving a message or email and want us to call you back by phone, best to leave us a time you’re available so we’re not encroaching on your work time or family time by calling you back whenever.

Spitting Pig has so many services to help you have your very own hog roast in Port Erin, whether you want to book the catering team to create the Hog Roast Port Erin for you, or whether you’ve set your sights on hiring a machine so that you can do it all yourself, and get even more enjoyment out of your hog roast.

Hog roasts made by Spitting Pig Isle of Man are anything but ordinary, in fact we’re the complete opposite, we make extraordinary hog roasts that are recognised as being some of the tastiest hog roasts in the world. That’s because the hog roasts are made with top quality produce, a machine that can do so much more, and a chef who knows everything there is to know about making a mouth wateringly tempting roasted hog.

We put real passion and care into a Hog Roast Port Erin, and it shows – every Spitting Pig hog roast is exceptionally tasty, and so are all our other spit roasts, be it a succulent free breadsmallspitrange roasted chicken that’s served with stuffing, home made gravy and soft floured rolls, or a beautiful spring lamb roast seasoned with rosemary and served with must and dill sauce, and mint. Or even whether you choose the chicken kebabs and meaty marinated spare ribs for your event! A spit roast made by Spitting Pig Isle of Man never disappoints, and there’s so much to go with a hog roast that everyone is always left spoiled for choice, even vegetarians.

So why not get in touch with Spitting Pig today and get a quote for your event, it’s both cheap and easy, in fact it’s so cheap it doesn’t even cost you anything, because we’re not big on making people pay for a quote. Getting a quote is so, so easy. In some cases receiving a quote is an almost instantaneous process, once we know which menu it is that you like and the details of your event it doesn’t take our team long to piece together an event price. Your event price is determined on several aspects: (1) How many people are at your event, (2) What’s the date of the event and (3) Which menu do you want at your event. Some menus from hog roast Port Erin for a hog roast in town are less costly than others, and it stands to reason that if you’re having an event on a busy day and you’ve invited 800 people that your quote in that case is going to be different than if you were booking a hog roast for a small party of 28 on an ordinary day.

Unlike catering, hiring a machine from Spitting Pig is always the same in price, no matter how big your party or what date you book it for.

To learn more about either of the services please contact us.