Hog Roast Patrick at museum collection debut!

There was a sizzling sensation of buzzing excitement in the air at Hog Roast Patrick’s latest event. The team were the caterers of choice at the Patrick’s Museums exhibition opening night. The museum was lucky to be granted the right to host an exhibition of rare and beautiful artefacts for a week, and the opening night was a press, councillor and glitzy filled evening.

Hog Roast PatrickThe Hog Roast Patrick team were charged with creating a luxurious buffet for the high profile guests and press. The team worked closely with the clients to put together a menu that would be a delightful for all palates.

The Catering Manager and assistant from Hog Roast Patrick arrived at the Museum several hours before the 7:30pm serving time. They were given a private room to work in, the team worked together with ease and produced every single dish fresh on site. At 7:30pm on the dot the serving table was loaded with tasty treats for the 36 guests to enjoy.

There was delicious spit roasted turkey served with fresh cranberries and homemade sage and onion stuffing, as well as a hearty vegetarian lasagne complete with an assortment of crusty rolls. There was also a selection of perfectly prepared piping hot seasonal vegetables and new potatoes roasted with sea salt and rosemary. This menu was designed to reflect the formal event and give the guests a tasty meal they would remember.

The Hog Roast Patrick team provided China crockery and cutlery for the guests to use at this event, as well as high quality disposable napkins. At the end of the catering element of the event the small team worked together to tidy away all the equipment and rubbish. This rubbish was taken off site and disposed of safely and responsibly by the team.

The event was a magical success. The Museum’s delight at having the exhibition for a week was tangible, their excitement permeated through every aspect of the event, all the way through to the delicious buffet that the lucky guests got to enjoy. It was a job well done.