A Wonderful Supplier

Our meat supplier retired last month and we were a bit worried thinking that we might not get anyone as reliable as he we searched far and wide and also word of mouth by others in the business too and we have managed to find a wonderful supplier who is pretty new to the game but very enthusiastic and comes with great recommendations and we sampled his meat for the first time at the weekend and it lived up to all the high expectations! Catering for a leaving party for the local lolly pop man who had been manning the roads for over twenty five years the local council contacted us and asked us to cater for his last day we arrived at his spot and set up the machine and brought with is some chicken and beef when he arrived he was a bit shocked and all the council officials arrived and family and friends the mayor said a wonderful heart warming speech and presented him with a certificate for his out standing work over the years and the children from the village school made him a huge card and when the little girl handed him the card the tears came! We were all in tears too it was such an emotional day, after the formalities we set to work carving the meat and making the sandwiches and they were quickly getting ate for the children we made portions of potatoes wedges with some lovely mild dips and they enjoyed the chicken and stuffing sandwiches too! when it was time to go The Lolly pop man was also presented with a special huge lolly stick to keep for a keep sake and we asked t we could take his photo as we wanted to put him on our website he said he would love to and gave us the cheesiest biggest grim ever the photo is a cracker! And Hog Roast Hire wrote a lovely little story about him too! We rang our new supplier too and congratulated him on the meat and said we were looking forward to a long and happy working relationship…