Baby Shower, Hog Roast in Port Soderick

Days like this remind me why I absolutely love my job! We have just arrived back to base after catering for an adorable baby shower with a hog roast in Port Soderick, and our team have all thoroughly enjoyed their day.

Guests were able to enjoy an informal outdoor buffet as they chatted excitedly with the mother to be, who was gushing over all of the attention as well as the generous presents she had received.

Garden Hog (9)

It was her first time using a caterer, usually cooking the food herself, but this time she had decided to ease some of the stress and said we were at the top of her list. Opting for simple hog roast and a choice of freshly prepared salads, we knew how excited she was for her day and we wanted to make it as memorable (and stress free) as possible.

We arrived in the morning to cook the food so we would be ready to serve mid afternoon, and the lucky father to be graciously welcomed us into their home and was even kind enough to offer to help set up for his wife’s party. He chatted to us as we cooked, saying how much Alex, his wife, had been looking forward to this day, and we reassured him that we wanted it to be as successful as possible, he even got a little bit jealous that he wasn’t going to be here when we talked him through our menu!

When guests started to arrive early afternoon they came outside to see the food being cooked and to tell us how delicious it all smelt. We never get tired of hearing compliments like this, and we excitedly started plating up the buffet table in the charming garden area. We watched as eager children came first to the buffet table, smiling at how excited they were about the food.

By the end of the party our buffet table was empty and we were happy to hear all the adorable children talking about how yummy their lunch was. We also received compliments from the adult guests, who were keen to get business cards from us.
As we made our way home we took pride in knowing that we had managed to relive stress from the expectant mother, as well as receiving lots of wonderful compliments and feeding a lot of people tasty food with our hog roast in Port Soderick. That is a job well done.