Hog Roast Glenmaye won’t let you down, they deliver the real deal!

Hog Roast Glenmaye’s latest event was a Gourmet Delivery. The Clients, Jacki and Simon, wanted a tasty meal delivered for them and their family to enjoy. The celebration was in aid of Client Simon’s promotion at work and they wanted Continue reading Hog Roast Glenmaye won’t let you down, they deliver the real deal!

Hog Roast Bride at Vampire, Goblin and Ghoul themed 18th birthday party!

As birthday boy Theo’s birthday fell on Halloween he decided that he wanted a gothic, Halloween themed birthday party with 25 of his good friends to celebrate. His parents, Clients Clive and Lucy, immediately contacted the Hog Roast Bride team Continue reading Hog Roast Bride at Vampire, Goblin and Ghoul themed 18th birthday party!