Halloween events.

This months last week was packed full of Isle of man events. Like a seminar on environmental farming Spitting Pig was apart of. The group heard through the grapevine that Spitting Pig hog roasts and spit roasts with free range produce and gets it from local farming sources, so they thought we’d be a great example of a thriving catering business that encourages proper local farming. The seminar was interesting but we almost accidentally overshadowed it when we cooked perhaps one of the best hog roasts of all time.


After that a food festival was on the horizon, I looked forward to that one, the perfect setting to dazzle people with the true brilliance of our spit roast pig, chickens and lamb. My experiences on the day were invaluable for Spitting Pig. We left with ample new connections and friends who we’ve been in touch with since then about hog roasting and future events. Even though there was more food stalls than you can shake a stick at, I’d say without any bias whatsoever that our spit roast stall took a fair share of the interest. It helped that we were spit roasting and not tray roasting, because from across the site you could see our whole pig, whole lamb and whole chickens elevated slightly above our machines, an indistinguishable sight from anything else, and people honed in on us as hog roasting is an often familiar and welcome sight for food markets, festivals etc. As they got closer those who’ve had Spitting Pig before must have been jumping for joy when they sighted our logo.


I was at the job with chef Matt who helped to ease some of the pressure and helped me juggle the cooking with the 3 spit roast machines. Together we ended up with a succulent choice of lamb, chicken and pig for the attendees to pick from, many had a go at all 3 as their eyes were bigger than their bellies. There was lots to eat so me and Matt had no hesitation in treating ourselves to some spit roast snack rolls. The festival was excellently organised and it was more like a day out for me and Matt compared with the pressure cooker environment we’re used to catering in when at formal, serious events.


This month I’m banking on even more great hog roast events as our reputation grows stronger.

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