Hog Roast Braddan – 10th Birthday Party!

A centrepiece hog roast is a fantastic talking point at any event or party, and will be something magical that your guests remember for years to come. Talking of magic, we had such a fun time catering a little boy’s tenth birthday party recently, and it was magic-themed as the birthday boy Josh is nuts about conjuring tricks and even performed a set himself on the day.

Hog Roast Braddan loves to cater any kind of celebration and in this instance, it was a real pleasure to provide the food for the 20 guests of family members and Josh’ friends over the weekend. The little guests were so well-behaved and polite and everyone clearly loved our food, as by the end of the day, the hog had been totally devoured!

When Josh’ mum called us to book our services for the first time, she said she wanted our scrumptious hog roast rolls that she had heard about from some of her friends, and asked if we could provide a vegetarian option for one of the guests too. We certainly can, as we have plenty of choices for any guests who have dietary needs. She selected stuffed mushrooms for that guest and then mentioned that her father is gluten-intolerant but she assumed he wouldn’t be able to eat our hog roast rolls. Fortunately, we have experience of this and we always ensure that we offer all kinds of alternatives. In this case, all we had to do was bring along some gluten-free bread rolls and Josh’s granddad could enjoy the same food as all the other meat-eaters, as everything else is suitable. Josh’ mum was greatly surprised and very happy to book us in so Hog Roast Braddan looked forward to catering this fun magic party.

We turned up bright and early on Saturday to start preparing and cooking the meat and during five hours of it roasting away, we got to watch magic tricks and card tricks and we got to chat to some lovely people about what we do at Hog Roast Braddan. By the time we served the hog roast rolls, Josh needed a well-deserved break from his homemade stage and joined all of his guests to feast on our very tasty food.