Hog Roast Catering


Hog roast Castletown served by Spitting Pig is the ideal for any event, be it a private birthday party, a wedding, a corporate function or any one of many unique events that we cater at week after week. We’ve made our menus so that they’re great for all events and as good and suitable for any one event as the next. The plethora of customers we’ve had reflects that there is no specific event that’s better for a hog roast than the next. And that’s why our clients are so diverse in their needs; even though their need for catering is different they all see the great value of a hog roast Castletown, in terms of quality and price you can’t find a company to best us.

What Makes Us Different?

The menus offered up by Spitting Pig are a reflection of the company philosophy, we make great food that will send your appetite into over drive, but we don’t pigeon hole you into a menu you aren’t satisfied with, and we don’t force your guests to eat what we give them. Instead we’ve constructed a mouth watering selection of menus that give you the freedom you want for your event.

A True Catering Vision

We’ve categorised our menus to make life easier for you, which is something we’re big on, doing the small things right and alleviating the weight off your shoulders so that you yourself can relax – or relax as much as one can when planning an important event! At the moment our 3 main menu categories are weddings, private parties and corporate events. We sometimes have a 4th or even a 5th section, usually when an important event is just around the corner and we feel new menus are justified for the event. We often have Christmas menus towards the end of the year, as an example.


But as of right now the 3 sections of weddings, private parties and corporate events are easy to work around and you’ll find many menus within each section. In total there are 12 menus you can choose for your hog roast Castletown event from the 3 sections.

Hire A Machine For Your Catering Event

The sections have a great scope and have menus that all have their own pros and cons depending on the type of event you’re throwing. If you’re having a casual barbecue in the back yard with a few drinks and friends from work then the formal sit-down event menu probably isn’t the ideal for you, but private party menu 1, 2 or 3 would be perfect for such an occasion. For any informal event, the most demanded of our menus are 1 to 3, with menus 3 to 5 – or in the case of weddings 3 – 6 – being favoured for informal events, whether for a wedding, corporate event or a more prestigious party.

Something Perfect For Any Eventaboutus

As you go from 1-5 (or 6) the menus get progressively more interesting, with each new menu having more options than the last. As you get to the end you’ll notice the menus are chocked full of salads, potato options, starters, puddings and canapés. But no matter what menu people choose the most important selection is the spit roasted meats and which ones to choose?

Because Spitting Pig Isle of Man is a company that prides itself on innovation and vision it’s only right that we offer so much more than pig, and we do. With Spitting Pig, you can have spit roasted chicken, lamb, beef, pig and turkey. Or if you want, you can even have something entirely different if you’ve set your eyes on it, all you’ll need to do is make mention of it when requesting a quote and we’ll see what we can do for you. We’re always keen to go out of our way to make your experience with us the best possible, because as a company with no real investment in regards to advertising its customers like you, that we depend on to market the company for us, on the back of the amazing hog roast Castletown catering we provide for you. That in itself is a flattering picture of the company that Spitting Pig is, with minimal to non-existent advertising we’ve won over the hearts and minds of the people on Mann, who are more than happy to tell everyone else how great we are for us!

The menus that we have are as great and far reaching as they are because we’re fortunate enough to have our own manufacturing arm. Making our own machines has helped us tremendously to improve the menus and really offer something more than other caterers, that’s why a hog roast in Castletown is as great as it is, no matter which menu you choose.

We cater to everybody’s tastes, quite literally. If you disagree, well, why not put a challenge to us? If you don’t think our menus are as good as you want then let us know and we’ll see what we can do to make it better. We’ve never been averse to catering new food and if you fancy a menu would be better if we made changes to it for your hog roast Castletown event then we’ll do everything in our power to do that.

In all cases, irrespective of which menu you like or whether you want us to spice up a menu with some new foods, all you have to do is call us. We’re never any further than a phone call – or email – away. Whether you’re prepared to make a booking or are just vaguely interested at this point, it really doesn’t matter to us; we always look forward to speaking to new people and exchanging ideas and points of view.

But first why not take a thorough look through the existing menus we do have and see if there’s anything that jumps out at you. We’re sure there will be and are here to give you a free quote when you do find that special menu for your hog roast Castletown.[/peekaboo_content]