Hog Roast Glenmaye won’t let you down, they deliver the real deal!

Hog Roast Glenmaye’s latest event was a Gourmet Delivery. The Clients, Jacki and Simon, wanted a tasty meal delivered for them and their family to enjoy. The celebration was in aid of Client Simon’s promotion at work and they wanted a nice, luxurious buffet to enjoy in the comfort of their own home with their family.

Clients Jacki and Simon worked with the Hog Roast Glenmaye team to put together the menu for their buffet. They wanted something like a roast dinner, one full of tasty dishes that would fill them all up.

Hog Roast GlenmayeEvery dish for the buffet was created by Chef Kevin at the Hog Roast Glenmaye kitchens. As soon as the dishes he created were perfected they were served up into large transports trays, this was so that upon arrival at the Clients home the food was immediately ready to be served straight from the trays. As well as cooking and delivering the food, Chef Kevin would also be collecting the waste from it after the event, so that the Hog Roast Glenmaye team could dispose of it in a safe and responsible way.

The buffet that the Clients had created with the team included lots of tasty treats, but it was based mostly around a delicious Classic Hog Roast. This slow spit roasted pig was served with crispy crackling, homemade sage and onion stuffing and a tasty apple sauce. As well as this there was plenty of piping hot seasonal vegetables and Chef’s choice of 3 freshly prepared salads, one of which was delicious crunchy coleslaw. Finishing off the buffet was a large tray of new potatoes that had been roasted in fragrant rosemary and garlic.

As soon as these dishes had been prepared they were served up into the large trays and ready to be transported to the Clients home. Chef Kevin and the food arrived at the right place exactly on time for the agreed 5pm delivery.

Clients Jacki and Simon were delighted with the trays of hot food, it was exactly what they were after. They served it up straight from the trays, which once empty were later collected by Chef Kevin.

The celebratory party went very well, the guests and clients were thrilled with the food and thanked the Hog Roast Glenmaye for making their event so wonderful.