One of the nicest summers we have had !

This must be one of the nicest summers we have had in a lot of years boy are we being spoilt it has been incredible lately and we love catering in the sunshine it really has a feel good factor! Heading south at the weekend and one of the hottest places in the country and we were heading to a party being held in a field, a small music festival for local acts and we were catering for three hundred and the bbq plate was called for. Hog Roast arrived amid large crowds and had to fight our way in we are not used to arriving that late normally we have to arrive much earlier especially when we are cooking a pig so it was quite a novelty arriving late. Hog Roast Hire soon got settled and started to unpack the meat, which is all kept in corrective cooling containers we are so thorough when it comes to keeping the food fresh and good hygiene goes without saying. We could see the guests were getting hungry almost foaming at the mouth soon we had burgers, sausages, fish all cooking away nicely on the bbq and then we placed them in buns with heaps of sauces and mustard and our guests were happy! We were surprised at how quickly the food was disappearing and we set up another machine with some jacket potatoes, as we feared the food could be gone very quickly indeed! And that was the case jackets at the ready with heaps of fillings and fresh crisp salad saved the day! As the day drew to a close we were so surprised at how quickly the food had gone but we were not that surprised as to be fair our food is sensational even if we do say so our self! Everyone that got a plate of food also received one of our new cards too, we had just been to the printers the day before and had a few thousand new cards printed with our telephone number, web address and email address as word of mouth as always works wonders!