Profitable enjoyable…

Just wanted to share my news with every one today I celebrate my 1st anniversary of being a hog roast caterer and I am so proud! This started as a hobby and has spiralled into a profitable enjoyable business and I really am walking on air at the minute! Last year I plummeted my nest egg into buying a few machines as hog roasting had always been a hobby and I was getting lots of requests from friends and family about ordering events so I decided to give it a try. Since then it has been virtually every weekend and some week days and nights, I have travelled the length and breath of the country with orders coming in from everywhere. Hog roast catering has been the best move I have ever made and my only regret is I didn’t do it years ago! I now employ three staff and now looking to employ more as numbers are now growing rapidly. I have just finished creating my new glossy website and this has proved extremely popular with nearly one hundred hits in this past week alone! I have dedicated a page on my site showing off my exquisite menu’s that are becoming so popular and I have opened up my Testimonial page which I know will be worth its weight in gold when my customers leave me feedback, I cannot wait to get my first feed back I am going to text all my previous customers today telling them to check out my website and asking them to leave me some feedback, I am so excited the see what they have to say! My new customers can now do all their booking on line adding the date of the venue, how many will be catered for and choosing the menu making the whole process so simple but they can also still ring me if they wish as some still like the personal approach. I must also remember today to order some new cards to give to my customers, as I want to add my new web address, Oh I am so organised! Hog roast hire has really given me a new lease of life and I really have not stopped this year. Today I am planning a little celebration for my staff at Hog roast catering and invited along my loyal supplier, van driver and a few family and friends this first year really cannot go unmarked as we have lots to celebrate! Hog roast hire I feel can only get better with the aid of the new website I feel I have opened up a whole new number for lots more new customers and I will be checking the website daily answering any questions on our question page or replying to emails. Well I must dash busy, busy with lots to do first job is to get the pig roasting and I am going to try out my new sauce recipe on my guests it’s a new chilli sauce which is ideal for the cold weather take care everyone speak soon…