About our Isle of Man Hog Roast Catering Company

aboutusBased at the Liverpool Arms at Baldrine we are able to make the most of our extensive catering knowledge and contacts with local food producers to maximise our full out door catering potential to bring you the perfect hog roast. Cooking the perfect meal for one person is a difficult job, never mind having to cook for tens of people, hundreds of people, sometimes thousands of people! Fortunately when the time comes there are professionals who can cater at your event, saving you the hassle and potential for embarrassment that comes with trying to do the food yourself hog roast Onchan is one such caterer. We consider ourselves to be in a league of our own when it comes to event catering experiences, and for a hog roast Onchan there is no rival to our magnificent services.

An Innovative Approach To Catering

Spitting Pig is known well in the catering scene for our innovative approach to fresh, event food. We’re credited by many for giving a new lease of life to hog roasting, revitalising a hog roast in Onchan by injecting a modern twist to traditional hog roast services. Don’t worry, we’ve done nothing to the hog roasts themselves, they’re the same as they’ve always been. But what we have done is create a catering service that does more than just a hog roast; with hog roast Onchan what you’re booking is a grand hog roast, supported by the more familiar event foods you’ll find from a first class caterer. Starters, soups, desserts, canapés and salads are found in abundance in many of the Hog Roast Isle of Man menus.

Spitting Pig Catering

But we still know that the biggest reason we’re chosen above the other catering options out there is because you want a Hog Roast Kirk Michael, and many of you aren’t too fussy about how you get it, or whether it comes after a soup or not! The hog roast is central to everything that we do and is what we live for, we’re one of very few catering companies in Britain to specialise in hog roasting and in the Isle of Man there is no alternative to Spitting Pig for a professionally made, juicy hog roast.

An Experienced Team Who Provide The Best Hog Roasts

When I started with Spitting Pig Isle of Man it was a bit of a dream for me, I’d always enjoyed a hog roast and having struggled to get one when I was on the island I started toying with the idea of starting a hog roast company, having been in the catering industry all my life and having some success with more stereotypical party food. I knew I had the skill and understanding to run a successful catering business, but never did I imagine just how big, and how rapidly, the company would grow. It seems I underestimated everyone’s taste buds, because sure enough from the day of launching the company we’ve been expanding as a business in every way imaginable.


I know that if I had started any other type of catering company I wouldn’t have reached the dizzying heights I have with Spitting Pig, and I owe it all to the humble hog roasting. There’s nothing less stressful than putting a pig on a skewer and letting it bathe in the flames and its own juicy goodness, but that simple process has taken Spitting Pig a great distance and right now we’re every bodies favourite for a hog roast Kirk Michael. Even people who don’t know much about hog roasting and haven’t had it before are coming to us for help because they’ve heard how brilliant our services are.

And that’s always been one of the key focuses of Hog Roast Kirk Michael, we’re massive on hog roasts but it’s enough to share our love of a good hog roast or spit roast with people who already know how good they are, we want our event catering to be attractive for people who’ve never had one – and we’ve done that.

A Hog Roast Kirk Michael doesn’t have to be just a hog roast, because with many of our Canapes- Hog Roast in Peelexciting menus a hog roast in Onchan is a hog roast with a lot more to go with it. It’s not just additional food to bulk up the menu; we like to think that all of the foods on our menus are as good as our hog roasts, though we’re too biased to comment as for us the hog roast is undefeatable! Be it a canapé, a salad or a summer pudding, the food we provide is every bit as professional and perfect as our roasted hogs. Even in a five-star restaurant you would struggle to find food that matches ours for class, presentation and taste.

The Hog Roast service is staggering in its combination of both style and substance, other companies struggle to get the balance right with most having too much style and little substance, or too much substance but a bumbling service that’s disappointingly lacking in style. Hog Roast Isle of Man has both in spades.

Hiring a hog roast machine is also a good way to get a hog roast Of course that isn’t all you can do with a hog roast machine, hog roasting is only half the fun. With a spit roast machine for your hog roast in town you can also cook other types of meat, and there’s more than just the spit roast to use, inside the machine is also a grill function which is ideal for grilling meats whether chicken breasts, burgers or sausages, and we’re sure you can think up loads of other meal ideas to go with the meat you cook. Buying machines in full is also a stellar investment if you have the money and more and more people are seeing the benefits of buying a machine rather than hiring, especially for commercial purposes. We’re also catering experts and can help you improve your own business with our expert knowledge in the field if you’re a struggling business or simply want to improve on where you are at present.

If you’re eager to know even more about what we do then the website has detail in more depth, and you can always ring us to speak directly to a Spitting Pig employee.