Hog Roast Glen Auldyn provides a Lamb Roast

Tim didn’t fancy a hog roast or a spit-roasted pig, however he still wanted the theatre of a whole-roasted animal. Hog Roast Glen Auldyn was happy to help Tim by persuading him to opt for a whole-roasted lamb. Hog Roast Glen Auldyn’s catering managers have done plenty of lamb roasts in the past and have always received positive feedback, especially about it being something different!

Hog Roast Glen AuldynSimilarly, to a Hog Roasts, Lambs can either be spit-roasted or roasted in their juices. A spit-roasted lamb takes about 4 hours to cook and is cooked fresh on site giving the client and their guests the ultimate theatre aspect as they can see it turning and cooking away; not to mention it smells heavenly as it roasts making the guests drool and their tummies rumble as they anticipate their future meal! A Lamb roast where it cooks in its juices is slowly roasted for roughly 8 hours to get that juicy and tender texture. Despite the taste of a lamb roasted in its juices being phenomenal, it lacks the theatre aspect and therefore, Tim chose the spit-roasted whole lamb. Hog Roast Glen Auldyn’s catering managers season the lamb with sprigs of rosemary and garlic cloves providing a heavenly party in the mouth of flavour.

As Tim worried that lamb wouldn’t be a popular choice for everyone, he included Hog Roast Glen Auldyn’s zesty-marinated chicken kebabs. In addition, he added on some butcher sausages for any children guests. A total meat-feast! The vegan and vegetarian guests could enjoy BBQ pulled Jackfruit.

The lamb was accompanied by a selection of sauces including traditional lamb favourites: mint and mustard. The guests had the choice to have the lamb in either a soft roll (white, cheesy or wholemeal), a pitta or a wrap.

Tim’s 70 guests enjoyed Hog Roast Glen Auldyn’s feast at the 6pm serve time, with most opting for the moist Lamb and even getting a cheeky chicken kebab on the side as the catering managers had brought plenty.